Entries in painting (38)


Details from upcoming show--Grafted Narratives

Gallery of Caribbean Art, Speightstown, Barbados, February 15, 2014

You are most welcome to join Asher and me at the gallery for the opening--5 in the evening.

Here is just little detail...



detail of "Turmeric"


Happy New Year 2014

With great energy and determination we forge forward into the new possibilities of 2014!  Forward!


Nine years ago--the day after Hurricane Ivan hit us in Grenada.

then and now, my painting studio

The After Ivan exhibit at Gallery of Caribbean Art a few months later--made me cry when I went back and looked at it again.  Click here.


Bright shiny promising days ahead!

Present studio with works in progress for Gallery of Caribbean Art exhibit in Feb 2013



Missed the Regatta in Cariacou....

but that doesn't stop the work boats from showing up in my studio.  Sorry, can't help it.



Stormy Start--Work Boat Races in Grenada-- 47" x 33" Acrylic on Canvas





New work sent to Art and Soul Gallery at Spiceland Mall

Here are some pics of new works right out of the studio--I do believe they are dry.

Checking her shell phone  24" x 36" Acrylic on Canvas  



The Old and the Strong  24" x 36" Oil on Canvas

Fishing boats sitting on the Carenage in old St. George's.

Rainy Day Regatta 36" x 48" Oil on Canvas (Diptych)



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